Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Review of The Moth Diaries

As I read a lot of Young Adult books I was looking for a Vampire book that is not part of a series.

When I first picked up this book I read that it was written in the format of a diary. Having never read a book in this format I didn’t really know what to expect.

However when I started reading the preface I was intrigued. The ‘author’ of the diary suffers from borderline personality disorder, depression and psychosis. This comes through a lot in the story. Personally I found the main character to be ‘Neurotic’ at times.

At times I got slightly confused when the narrator flicked from present to past. In some chapters there are quotes which I had trouble understanding. I also feel that some sections in this book needed explaining more as I got confused quite a bit.

I would still recommend this book to others, I also think that this book works well in the diary format.

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